Friday, January 14, 2011

What next step... the sequel

Last year I spoke about a powerful question. I wanted to bring it up again this year. The question was:

“What next step should I be taking to make my goals happen?”

This little question is so powerful that I wanted to bring it up again. Take a half over the next week and focus on simply asking yourself this question and then doing the answer. This continual focus on this question allows for several things:

- It keeps you focus on the longer term goals, not just the fires

- It is an action oriented mindset

- It naturally breaks down larger goals into smaller achievable tasks – this is key to success for any long term goal

By simply focusing on this questions and the answers to this question you will be unleashing the powerful weapons of strategy, focus and execution with a simple exercise. Now imagine if you can get your people to ask the same question and respond to their answer. Take some time this week to make sure you have communicated this powerful little thought to your team and see what they can do as well.

“What next step….?” is a key to unlocking a great day, one where you can look back and be proud of what you got done. “What next step …?” is the key to giving you the excitement of a new day with even more you will get done.

Ask the question, complete the answer and then commit to asking it again and again. Each little step will push towards a completed goal.

With this powerful question in your hands you can be like a river that shapes the landscape and cuts through mountains – you can be a force of nature. I think this question and attitude is that powerful and important.

“What next step should I be taking to make my goals happen?”

Ask it. Answer it. Do it again and again. Step by step, you will be amazed and amazing.

It’s time for action.


About Me

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Father, husband, businessman, loves my family, community and country - appreciate what you have - it doesn't have to be this good