Friday, September 10, 2010

Vision = objective = to dos

A quick thought ....

Often we think of vision, execution and to-do lists as distinct.

David Allen (of "Getting Things Done" fame) defines a project as an objective to achieve. I think visions are the same. (check out his website for books, newletters etc... I am a big fan -

And once we have an objective to achieve defined, it is on us to begin putting down tasks to accomplish this vision. ( - - a nice column from USA today on a business plan as a business tool not just a financing presentation - sent to me by - also a great service)

Resist the temptation to look at tasks and tasks planning as menial work. Instead recognize that it is the point, and function, of making strategy happen. Strategy and objectives exist for the purpose of execution, not the other way around. Think of it this way... if you stopped strategic planning tomorrow you could still be successful and operate as a business and person for a long time. If you stopped executing tomorrow... well you have stopped.Do not get me wrong ... strategy, objectives and vision are vital aspects of business and leadership. I just want to make sure that we have them in the proper perceptive ... they are servants to execution not masters. Have a dream, have a vision, but remember Thomas Edison's famous quote "Vision without execution is hallucination."

We often flip the importance of vision, strategy and execution, which may be why we so often complain about not getting things done.

A nice editorial from USA Today that talks about a business plan as a business tool that leads to tasks and to-do lists as opposed to simply a VC financing tool -

Friday, September 3, 2010

Are you a model?

References to small talk and pick-up lines notwithstanding, the answer to the question of “Are you a model?” is simple and powerful.


As a leader, your team looks at everything you do (and don’t do) as a model of how they should be, act, and what they should think is important.

You are a model with every action you take. As we have done in the past, think about the example you want to set. Then observe yourself for a day and then ask yourself…how well did I model the example that I wanted to set?

We model what we think, value and want with every action from the moment we walk in, until we leave. Take some time and think about how powerful of a tool that is. We can send a resounding message about our values and goals every day, in a powerful way, that is impossible to ignore. Embrace the power of being a model and use it to lead your team.

We do it every day, imagine how powerful it can be if we focus on using this reality as the powerful force that it is.

So imagine the example you want the team to act on, imagine the attitude you want them to have … and then be a model. They are watching, and looking to follow – let’s be intentional, positive and powerful in how we choose to lead. You are a model every day, choose to be the one you want to be.


About Me

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Father, husband, businessman, loves my family, community and country - appreciate what you have - it doesn't have to be this good