Answer: look at your team.
Just wanted to remind everyone of the simple rule that is the key to monitoring and improving the service we give our customers. The more satisfied and loyal our team is, the more satisfied and loyal our customers will be.
Remember, satisfaction and loyalty does not mean that they “like you”. But it does mean that they like working with (and for) you. It means that they know they are appreciated, know how they are doing and know the expectations for them and the whole team. If your team is happy and satisfied, they will treat our customers like gold, if they are not… well you can see where that will lead us.
This is a simple rule that I know we all have heard and thought before, but it bears repeating because it is so impactful.
How we treat our team is how they treat our customers. Every chance we interact with one of our people it is not only a chance to make them better, but it is a moment to vastly improve our customers’ experience. Take a moment and look around at your people. What you see in their body language, their attitude and performance is a reflection to our customers of who we are.
It is powerful, impactful and in our control; so take a moment, think about out it, and take advantage of it.
How we treat our team is how they treat our customers….know it, use it, own it.
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