When we think about communications we often think about what we are saying and sending out – and when we are really focused we even think about listening. I want to share with a communication rule (or trick) – that is very impactful and I always wish I used it more:
9 time out of 10 you will be more impactful with a question than an answer.
When you are talking with anyone we often look to add instead of ask. Questions lead us to solutions – and let us engage others in the discussion.
The next conversation ask before time it is your turn “Can I address this issue with a question rather than a statement?”
We naturally want to add our own two cents – so do not worry about that – the point here is to put the focus on the person you are talking to?
Think of it this way (this is an adaptation of a clichéd story): do you think it is more effective to have them feel like you are the smartest person in the room or have them feel like you think they are the smartest person in the room?
That is a question we all know the answer to.