Saturday, February 26, 2011


Just a simple improvement reminder that I wanted to share with everyone.

And yes…it is “+1”. This means always take that one extra step.

Take 30 minutes over the next week and concentrate on adding one to everything you do. Ask one more question from a customer or someone on your team, try to plan just 1% better, do one more bit of follow up, praise one more action or drive to ask what is the one more thing I can do right now to most impact us having a better day.

See what just a small amount of this focus can do to improve your communication, your results and your morale. Imagine if you could do this every day for a week? A month? A year? As you can see “+1” is powerful.

We so often think of the large goals we are aiming for – and that is important. “+1” gives us a way to think about moving things forward and a realistic pace – sometimes in a way that even seems easy! (imagine that)

Take the time, think about “+1” and how it could impact you and your team.

The math and impact is compelling, the concept is simple to execute and share and the results will be amazing.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Five by five

Five by five is an expression that means your signal (radio etc..) is coming in perfectly strong and clear. It is also referred to as “loud and clear”.

We often forget when communicating to check what message has been received and how clearly. We do not always check that we are “five by five”

In the past I have spoken about asking someone to repeat back their understanding of what we said. Take a moment over the next few days and think about an expectation we have set. Go up to someone on your team and ask them to tell you what that expectation is. If they have – you have communicated. If not, well now we can have a great conversation. Periodically check how your communication is being received by your team. Is it strong and clear enough to stay with them when you check in later? The formula is very simple in this regard – if they know what you intended to send you have communicated that part of it well.

So take some time over the next few days and do a “communication check in” with your people. If you make this a habit the response will soon always be: “five by five”

Friday, February 4, 2011

The best in the room

I was at a meeting this week – and a person made a comment that I thought was a wonderful communications and leadership lesson. He said “I know I will not be the smartest person in the room, so my goal is to be the best listener in the room”.

The idea of “the best listener in the room” is a great leadership message and powerful communication tool. No one has ever griped “that guy listen too much!”

Whether we are talking with our people and customers – let’s remember that when it comes to making people feel important, connecting with them and finding out what we can do to improve the situation – listening is the best tool we have. If we were talking with someone do we want them to show us how important they are or would we rather they made us feel important? That is the power of being the “best listener in the room”.

A great, powerful, simple communication and leadership tool we can all start doing immediately.


About Me

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Father, husband, businessman, loves my family, community and country - appreciate what you have - it doesn't have to be this good