Think about a radar…
There is an object that is “out there” – as you move toward it you send out waves and how they bounce back tells you what is out in front of you and around you. Any slight changes in that object get noticed and impact what is bouncing back to the radar. People change their course and actions towards their destination based on these signals that come back.
When it comes to leading this provides a useful thinking tool.
We as a team are heading in a direction. Us, as the leaders are moving towards our goals. Our people look to us and watch everything that we do – we are the object that is :out there” and our people watching us are the are the “waves”. We all think about the big things we want to model – but the radar comparison also reminds us that little things send out changes to what people see as well. Now stop and think for one second – do you spend more time sending out big messages or little messages?
Exactly – our whole day is little messages. So much so that if we take care of the little things, the big things don’t catch us; and if we ignore the little things, the big things come crashing down all over us. This is especially true with the messages we send out with our small words and deeds.
Take 20 minutes over the next few days and think about yourself as the center of your team’s radar. What are they seeing? More importantly, what are the small signals you are sending out? Do any of these signals change their picture enough to make our people change course that moves them away from our goals? Pay attention to these little things – they are the ones that prevent goals from being achieved. The little things and signals are powerful things, both to the positive and negative. Take a few moments from time to time to really zone in on what little signals are being relayed.
Are the small signals we send on our people’s radar?
We better believe it – and we better act like it.